Showing posts with label codes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label codes. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Service codes Motorola | All Chinese Mobile Code

Service codes Motorola:
Motofone F3 software version: **9999* Send
C113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118 software version: #02#*
C138, C139, C140 software version: #02#*
C155, C156, C157 software version: #02#*
C257, C261 software version: #02#*
V171, V172, V173 software version: #02#*
V175, V176, V176 software version: #02#*
C168, W220 software version: *#**837#
W208, W375 software version: #02#*
ZTE Mobile1- *938*737381#
unlocking phone code,only press***847# without simcard
E900 software version: *#5002*8376263#
E900 full reset: *2767*3855#

Service codes GStar | All Chinese Mobile Code

Service codes GStar:
GM208 (Chinese Nokea 6230+) engineering menu: *#66*#
Set language to English: *#0044#
Set language to Russian: *#0007#
Service codes Motofone-F3:
Motofone F3 software version: **9999* Send
***300* Set SIM Pin
***310* / ***311* SIM Pin ON | OFF
***000* Reset Factory settings
***644* Set Voicemail number
***260* / ***261* Auto keypad lock ON | OFF
***510* / ***511* Voice Prompts ON | OFF
***160* / ***161* Restricted Calling (Phonebook only) ON | OFF
***200608* Send: software version
***200606* Send: software version
***200806* Send: flex version
***250* / ***251* Keypad tones ON | OFF
***470* Select time format
***500* /***501* Prepaid Balance Display ON | OFF
***520* Change language

Nokia Mobile Secret Codes

Nokia Secret Codes

*#06#   -              Display the IMEI

*#0000# -            Display the firmware version and date

*#9990# -            Bluetooth Test Mode

*#bta0# -             Display the Bluetooth MAC address

*#mac0wlan# -     Display the WLAN MAC address

*#opr0logo# -       Clear the operator logo

*#pca0# -             Activate the GPRS PCCCH support
*#pcd0# -             Deactivate the GPRS PCCCH support

*#res0wallet# -     Reset the mobile wallet

*#res0# -             Soft-format the memory

*#rst0# -              Reset to factory defaults, confirmation required

*#sim0clock# -      Display the SIM lock status

*#ssn0# -             Display the manufacturing serial number

*#war0anty# -     Display the manufacturing and repair 
                           info or total talk time on Symbian models

*efr0# -               Enable EFR encoding

#efr0# -              Disable EFR encoding

*hra0# -              Enable HR encoding

Thursday, 2 April 2009

China Mobile Secret Codes


  1. Default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
  2. Engineer mode: *#110*01#
  3. Factory mode: *#987#
  4. Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
  5. Restore factory settings: *#987*99#
  6. LCD contrast: *#369#
  7. software version: *#800#
  8. software version: *#900#
  9. set default language: *#0000# Send
  10. set English language: *#0044# Send
  11. set English language (new firmware): *#001# Send
  12. Service codes BenQ:
  13. software version: *#300#
  14. test mode: *#302*20040615#
  15. Service codes Pantech:
  16. software version: *01763*79837#
  17. service menu: *01763*476#
  18. reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *01763*737381#
  19. Service codes 3xx, 5xx:
  20. software version: *#79#
  21. software version: *#837#
  22. Service codes VK200, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK4000:
  23. software version: *#79#
  24. service menu: *#9998*8336# (hold #)
  25. reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *#9998*7328# (hold #)
  26. Service codes LG:
  27. software version: 2945#*#
  28. Service codes Sony-Ericsson:
  29. J100 software version: #82#
  30. Service codes Fly:
  31. 2040(i) reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
  32. MX200 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
  33. MX200 software version: *#900# Send
  34. SL300m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
  35. SL300m software version: *#900# Send
  36. SL500m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
  37. SL500m software version: *#900# Send
  38. MP500 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
  39. MP500 software version: *#900# Send
  40. Set language to English: *#0044#
  41. Set language to Russian: *#0007#
  42. Service codes Konka:
  43. C926 software version: *320# Send
  44. C926 set default language: *#0000# Send
  45. C926 set English language: *#0044# Send
  46. Service codes GStar:
  47. GM208 (Chinese Nokea 6230+) engineering menu: *#66*#
  48. Set language to English: *#0044#
  49. Set language to Russian: *#0007#
  50. Service codes Motorola:
  51. Motofone F3 software version: **9999* Send
  52. C113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118 software version: #02#*
  53. C138, C139, C140 software version: #02#*
  54. C155, C156, C157 software version: #02#*
  55. C257, C261 software version: #02#*
  56. V171, V172, V173 software version: #02#*
  57. V175, V176, V176 software version: #02#*
  58. C168, W220 software version: *#**837#
  59. W208, W375 software version: #02#*
  60. ZTE Mobile1- *938*737381#
  63. alcatelE205
  64. unlocking phone code,only press***847# without simcard
  65. E900 software version: *#5002*8376263#
  66. E900 full reset: *2767*3855#
  67. Service codes Spice:
  68. S404 enable COM port: *#42253646633# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS -> UART1/115200
  69. S410 engineer mode: *#3646633#
  70. S900 software version: *#8375#
  71. S900 serial no: *#33778#
  72. Service codes Philips:
  73. S200 enable COM port: *#3338913# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS -> UART1/115200
  74. Service codes “Chinese” models:
  75. default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
  76. Engineer mode: *#110*01#
  77. Factory mode: *#987#
  78. Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
  79. Restore factory settings: *#987*99#
  80. LCD contrast: *#369#
  81. software version: *#800#
  82. software version: *#900#
  83. Service codes BenQ:
  84. software version: *#300#
  85. test mode: *#302*20040615#
  86. Service codes Pantech:
  87. software version: *01763*79837#
  88. service menu: *01763*476#
  89. reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *01763*737381#
  90. Service codes VK-Mobile 3xx, 5xx:
  91. software version: *#79#
  92. software version: *#837#
  93. service menu: *#85*364# (hold #)
  94. Service codes VK200, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK4000:
  95. software version: *#79#
  96. service menu: *#9998*8336# (hold #)
  97. reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *#9998*7328# (hold #)
  98. Service codes LG:
  99. software version: 2945#*#
  100. KG300 NVRAM format: 2945#*# -> menu 15
  101. Service codes Sony-Ericsson:
  102. J100 software version: #82#
  103. Service codes Fly:
  104. M100 software version: ####0000#
  105. 2040(i) reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
  106. MX200 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
  107. MX200 software version: *#900# Send
  108. SL300m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
  109. SL300m software version: *#900# Send
  110. SL500m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
  111. SL500m software version: *#900# Send
  112. MP500 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
  113. MP500 software version: *#900# Send
  114. Set language to English: *#0044#
  115. Set language to Russian: *#0007#
  116. Service codes Konka:
  117. C926 software version: *320# Send
  118. C926 set default language: *#0000# Send
  119. C926 set English language: *#0044# Send
  120. Service codes GStar:
  121. GM208 (Chinese Nokea 6230+) engineering menu: *#66*#
  122. Set language to English: *#0044#
  123. Set language to Russian: *#0007#
  124. Service codes Motofone-F3:
  125. Motofone F3 software version: **9999* Send
  126. ***300* Set SIM Pin
  127. ***310* / ***311* SIM Pin ON | OFF
  128. ***000* Reset Factory settings
  129. ***644* Set Voicemail number
  130. ***260* / ***261* Auto keypad lock ON | OFF
  131. ***510* / ***511* Voice Prompts ON | OFF
  132. ***160* / ***161* Restricted Calling (Phonebook only) ON | OFF
  133. ***200608* Send: software version
  134. ***200606* Send: software version
  135. ***200806* Send: flex version
  136. ***250* / ***251* Keypad tones ON | OFF
  137. ***470* Select time format
  138. ***500* /***501* Prepaid Balance Display ON | OFF
  139. ***520* Change language
  140. Service codes Motorola:
  141. C113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118 software version: #02#*
  142. C138, C139, C140 software version: #02#*
  143. C155, C156, C157 software version: #02#*
  144. C257, C261 software version: #02#*
  145. V171, V172, V173 software version: #02#*
  146. V175, V176, V176 software version: #02#*
  147. C168, W220 software version: *#**837#
  148. W208, W375 software version: #02#*
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